Puzzles with Laser Cutting Plans

Since we bought an Epilog Laser Cutter (http://www.epiloglaser.com), we have made quite a number of puzzles using the laser. We also started to work in Acrylic (shows you also how well we selected the woodpuzzles name a decade ago ;-).

For the following puzzles we have made available the Corel Draw files with the puzzle patterns.

Many of those puzzles use a 10mm CD case as the packing container. It turns out they are easy and cheap to buy in bulk (and in bulk you can even get them without the CD insert - so you just have the empty case to drop in the puzzle). You can take the CD insert from any of the CD puzzle files to design your own puzzles (or other gifts) and pack them in a CD case.

Note: to make the CD cover close the insert will have to have a grove cut into it at the position indicated. I use a tablesaw to cut that kerf. Make sure you cut it on the correct side! (I know I cut whole stacks on the wrong side and had to do it all over).